DC Comics Hawkman themed car

Base Hot Wheels Thor themed car
Mods Repaint, added resin hawk nose to front
Card Unique theme-matched to Marvel series, 2014, JS037, DC-01
Qty Made 11 incl Prototype

Hot Wheels, never ceasing to amaze me with creativity and weirdness, released a series of DC and Marvel superhero-themed cars in 2013-2014. A client requested a Hawkman car be made from the Thor base car (it already has wings!) so I figured it would be an interesting project! I'm not a comic guy.. I enjoy the Avengers and Batman movies of course, but I had never heard of Hawkman! Some research got me going in the right direction. Thank you, Internet.

I cut off the Thor hammer and the car looked like it was missing something.. so I whipped together the hawk-shaped nose cone and quickly cast it with parts from another upcoming project. I soon had enough for the full run of cars!

Trying to replicate a style of car is trickier than it seems. The Marvel cars are somewhat abstract but yet you get the feeling that it's definitely the character's car. Not that a man with wings needs to drive. Anyway with some dark green and gold paint it started looking pretty good, and add some decals and I think it came out looking great!

The packages.. man getting enough base Thor cars locally was enough trouble but the package was really tough! I designed the front to match the Marvel themed cars (the DC cars are.. underwhelming) and had to make the little bottom insert card, and a full color front AND back. Getting those to line up was tricky. Cutting out the hook part reminded me of why I have the hang tag punch. Oh and I punched a little hole in the bottom insert card so you can see the serial number on the bottom of the car.

This whole project was way out of my comfort zone but sometimes that's good for you as an artist. Will people like these? I have no idea. Hope so!

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