Jurassic Park Nedry's Gas Powered Jeep Wrangler #12

Base Matchbox Jeep Wrangler
Mods Stripped repainted, decals added, resin cast "soft top" and light bar
Card 4th Gen card, 2010, JS0018, JP-05 Series Finale
Qty Made 16.5 incl Prototype

I once again used the standard Matchbox Jeep Wrangler for the JP Jeeps, but this time I went another step with the details. I went back and really studied the Jeeps and how they were painted, turn signal lense location, etc. Nedry's Jeep had a soft top and a winch on the front, both of which are details I could not leave out. The winches are all hand made with several little parts and real wire. The soft top was made from strips of styrene plastic and then sanded and filed in such a way as to make it resemble canvas, and then cast in clear so it has windows. I'd never used clear resin before, and it turned out great! At the last minute I decided to cast the light bar and it too came out great looking. Another last second addition were the BFG lettering on the tires. Those are tiny stickers cut out by hand and carefully placed on the tires.. several nights of tedium! I replaced the wheels so they're correct 5-spoke rather than the Matchbox 6-spoke wheels. As a side note, finding 16 Wranglers was tough, even on eBay!

To keep the soft top in place in the package it's lightly glued down with rubber cement so if someone were to open it they could see the interior. I also made another notch in the bubble to make room for the light bar that pokes up a bit. When I sold the first two, one of the light bars didn't stay glued on so I ended up removing and replacing all the remaining blisters after modifying them to allow the car to roll back and forth a bit in the package. I actually sent the first Jeep back and forth a few times overseas to get it right. I stand by my work!

Interesting side note, while making these someone made a deal with me to make an extra one with a different number, but never paid me for the job so the car was never completed. Their loss I guess, but I've got a half completed JP Jeep in my piles of stuff now!

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