Mad Max V8 Interceptor

Base Hot Wheels 1973 Ford Falcol XB
Mods Custom molded front end and flares, real riders
Card 4th Gen card w/rounded corners & punch, 2012, JS0025, MAX-01
Qty Made 11 incl Prototype

The Last of the V8 Interceptors.. without thinking too hard about it this is one of my top 5 movie cars ever. If I were to have a replica of any movie car this would probably be my first choice. Anyway to go along with my theory that Mattel is just toying with my spare time they released the exact base car that the real Interceptor was made from. My friends and I rounded up like 35 of these things for my projects but they sat in a box for a good while since I was pretty busy with other stuff. Finally it came around and I didn't want to slack at all.

Traditionally I've used my wire wheel to remove paint, but for over 30 cars I had to find some other solution. I found this horror show in a can, Berryman's chem dip. With minimal effort I could submerge 10 cars at a time overnight and have them all ready to finish up the next night or a few days later. The paint just wrinkled off and with a minute or two of cleanup it was pretty much ready to go. The other advantage is there aren't any scratches from the wire wheel.

I finally decided on 3 versions of Max's Interceptor and this is the 'clean' version from the original movie. I also decided rather than molding the body with the fins and front end all together it deserved the effort of real metal/body work on each car. The front clip was made from scratch out of styrene and molded, and the rear and top fins were hand cut/sanded and glued on one at a time.

Wheels were sourced from 2 different cars with real rider tires. In order to spread the wheels out properly I had to make little spacers. 2 per car x 33 cars.. ugh. The interior didn't get too much of a treatment since it was black already but I did add a dot of red for the supercharger button. The engines were made from a bit of styrene and the engine block from a Hot Wheels '32 Deuce Coupe. Rounding up 33 of those took some time as well. I had originally planned to use the pipes coming from that engine as well but it got messy and I just made the underside piece instead and it came out much better. The paint job is movie accurate with flat black areas on the hood, front clip and around the fenders and across the rear. I saw a lot of replicas while researching this and some just aren't correct to the movie.

All in all I'm very pleased with how these and all my Interceptor cars came out!

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