Torchwood SUV

Base Malibu International / High Speed 2002 Range Rover
Mods Interior screens, custom molded dash, custom body
Card 3rd Gen card, 2010, JS0017, TOR-01
Qty Made 21 with prototype, plus original diecast/styrene body

This car was suggested to me by a well spoken 13 year old from the UK. It wasn't an email like "hey it'd be cool if you made this," he actually sent me reference photos and explained how cool it was. I took an interest in the idea, watched the show and was totally hooked. I found that High Speed made this exact model of Range Rover, right hand drive and everything. I had to laugh at them because they all said RANG ROVER no the back. They spelled it right on the grille.. idiots. Problem is 99% of them were overseas, so my friends who help sponsor this stuff and I bought a bunch from eBay. Some arrived broken, yay (see 2nd pic). Once I drilled and shaved off the paint of the first one I went through the laborious process of making the Torchwood details out of styrene.

The casting process went much better this time due to my purchase of a vacuum chamber. This made the body mold much cleaner and more precise than the Citroen Taxis. The vacuum chamber sucks out air that you had no idea was even in the silicone mixture. The result? a very smooth casting and no little resin pimples to sand off!

As far as sales go, they're not great. The show ended some time ago and not a lot of people are actively looking for one of these, but I maintain it's some of my finest work. I probably will still have some if you contact me, and I'll occasionally sell one on eBay.

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