The Road Warrior V8 Interceptor - Wasteland Edition

Base Hot Wheels 1973 Ford Falcol XB
Mods Custom molded rear section, front end and flares, real riders, airbrushed paint
Card 4th Gen card w/rounded corners & punch, 2012, JS0027, MAX-03
Qty Made 11 incl Prototype

This version of the Interceptor is based on how the car looks throughout most of The Road Warrior. Max rear ends an enemy car and destroys the plastic front end, leaving just a small part and some framework. The car is also filthy from driving around in the desert.

The first prototype photos have different mismatched wheels and a blower/side pipe set from a different car. After some staring at it I decided I'd better find a better source for a more realistic look. The tank piece took some time to trim and fit in the rear section over the cut out area while retaining the original chassis mounting post.

This car is basically the same build as the Outback Edition but with a more beat up front end and more airbrush work. Like I mentioned on the other page, I got my airbrush about 20 years ago as a young teen. The time it took to properly set it up and strike it combined with the really lousy air compressor my dad had (no tank, just on all the time) made learning how to use it quite unpleasant. I now have my own garage to work in and a proper air tank with pressure regulator AND I can leave parts of it out if I so choose. So much easier this way! I mixed up a few colors to get the wasteland brown color and then I went over that again with a spritz of white and blended it with a finger then a scotch brite pad to get the "I've been driving through the bush" look. I really like how this turned out and I will definitely use the airbrush more as time goes on.

The nose cone is still from the same mold as the Mad Max car but I just trimmed it a lot to shape. The lights are just glued on there and each one came out a little different. I specifically decided not to try to make that framework piece that's in there just because I didn't want it to end up rattling around in the package after it broke off.

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